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More constant Fresh Content Now Enabled

I’ve just enabled this plugin that will deliver fresh content during the week, its called "the keyboard" and it works very well.

Starting from this week (tuesday) i’m going to deliver more content around the same topics rather than just being all random like the usual. "The Day Off" won’t mean i wont post anything on that day, just means it wont be a constant flow of posts every week like these other topics on dedicated days.


Monday: We will have the site news, what i’ve been up to recently regarding the web, business, studies and the like.

Tuesday: This my music review day where i’ll post a song or something.

Wednesday: Question of the week. Sometimes regarding christianity, sometimes just my thoughts on the world. Stay tuned.

Thursday: "The Day Off"

Friday: Friday Foto

Saturday: Bible Passage of the week

Sunday: "The Day Off"


Let me know what you think.


The Big Cleanup

Ok, i think my sidebar was getting to cluttered and those adds were getting pretty bad. So i’ve cleaner it up and im going to use my own adds from my business’s instead of those other ones (which were only make about $5 a month anyway) Should be alot faster to load the site now as well.

I’ve also added  my network bookmarks on the side. More to come so keep an eye out for some changes.


Your Favourite Site Goes Mobile!

I know everyone cant get enough of this site, so now you can view it on the go on your mobile!

Just point your mobile phon browser to and you’ll be able to see all the latest posts!! And the size is only 4kb so it will take about 1 second and 14 miliseconds to load :)

Please let me know how you find it and if you would ever use it.



New Server! Woooohoooo

soooooooooooo, i bet my 2 loyal readers have been wondering where i am? Well good news, im still allive :)


Heres a quick note of why theres no posts and what i’ve been up to:

  • I couldnt get onto my own site to post because the server was so bad, but now i have a new one and it is sweeeeeet!
  • I’ve been on holidays for 2 weeks in qld. I’m going to blog the holiday with pics and videos over the next coming weeks.
  • I’ve taken over content management for the website, and also am helping out the year 7’s group this year.
  • I built my brand new comp, specs and pics coming soon to make you all drool :P
  • I’ve been watching my traffic come through from google and i now get over 300 hits a day! :)
  • Uni & HSC News, stay tuned for them tomorrow
  • Phaser computers business will be in full swing next month, advertising in the newspaper and on my car :) If you know anyone that needs a new computer or a service call out to get their computer back up to full speed get them to give me a call

also, goals page now updated.

that is all


How Much Is Your Blog Worth??

My blog is worth $5,080.86.
How much is your blog worth?

So How Much Is Your Blog Worth? Of Course its only worth what someone is willing to pay for it but still, its a good thought for the mind when it says it’s worth $5k


Reduce The Image Filesize On Your Site For Faster Loading

Ok to reduce your page load time on your site run a test from here, and look at all the top images that are big filesizes. Now goto and sign up and put all your images through this compression. I have made this site from 63kb to 45kb!!