Windows 7 Decoder Error In Media Center
My TV was working fine when i first installed the Beta but today when i opened it up i got the error “"The video decoder has either malfunctioned or is not installed. Restart Windows Media Center or the computer”.”
Solution: Turn your Clock date back to February and it works!
For some reason its a bug and the decoder expires before the beta expiry..
UPDATE: Fix the problem completely with this solution:
The .dll files are ready for download :
To install (on your own risk!!):
1. start a command prompt (as administrator)
2. cd c:\windows\system32
3. takeown /f filename.dll (for all mentioned .dll files)
4. icacls filename.dll /grant your_name:F (again for all .dll files)
5. md c:\temp
6. move filename.dll c:\temp (all .dll files)
7. now copy all files from the downloaded zip into c:\windows\system32
8. restart the machine
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