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So you want to start an online shop?

Follow these 10 easy steps to start your very first online shop and start rolling in the cash!


  1. Find something you’re interested in selling. Preferably stuff that’s small and can post really cheaply (eg, guitar strings can fit in an envelope.)
  2. Think of a good marketable name that people will remember.
  3. Make sure that name’s domain isn’t taken, if its free go ahead and buy the domain. You can check domain status an buy them for as little as $7US from
  4. Find a free/paid host. I can help you with a free/paid host if you require one at mates rates.
  5. The host can generally set a “zencart” or other commerce cart, otherwise you will have to upload it manually.
  6. Add you products and make your site look good. Again I can help you with this.
  7. Create a PayPal account so you can accept creditcards and other money transfers worldwide so people can pay you. (PayPal is integrated into most commerce cart systems)
  8. Market your site. I use Google adwords, but you may want to spend big and put up advertising around your location so people will see it.
  9. Use Google analytics or BBclone to count your visitors and see where they are coming from. This can help you plan and help your future advertising.
  10. Upgrade your site, get more products and suppliers and gradually expand providing you can afford it. Also check to see if you can buy your top selling products in bulk so you profit on them can be larger.

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