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The Best Pancaking Method I’ve ever Seen

Any ideas how he made this and floats stuff through the air??

  • This is sick!
    Take lots of still photos with small changeds = a movie. The only scene which gets me is the milk flying from the fridge… fishing line?


    June 20, 2008

  • Perhaps he has magical powers.

    Disco Stu

    June 20, 2008

  • Or not. Yea some parts are very clever including that milk bit. Wouldn’t taken ages to make…


    June 20, 2008

  • I think Disco Stu is correct. Those guys must be true magicians, and they belong at Hogwarts.

    For the rest of us mortals, a simple trip to the Pancake Parlor remains the easiest option for good pancakes.


    June 20, 2008

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