Archive for December, 2008
Youtube Goes W I D E
If you haven’t noticed yet, Youtube now has gone widescreen, all ready for HD Video uploading. Google seems to be pumping out lots of new updates and software lately.
internet explorer under attack
I always like a good Microsoft bag out so here’s another.
NiteEV Live Album Out Soon!
I wanted to share with you my newest website design project,
The website has is finally ready for album release this friday the 12th of december after many hard hours putting it together within 1-2 weeks of time. It was my first time managing a digital download system through a online shop, which was tough, but many hours has paid off. I used a Cubecart 3.0 install which handled the digital downloads nicely. It lets you choose how many times the user can download it once they buy it and also how long before the download link expires.
NiteEV is releasing their first worship CD and it sounds like no other. Daniel Godden said, “We wanted to record something that wasn’t a sweetened up studio version of our songs, but rather an authentic expression of who we are, what we live for, and some of the joy we have in singing together as a church to our Saviour and to each other.”
A whole unmastered song has just been released on my myspace, you should check it out here.
So pretty much what I’m trying to say here is, BUY IT, Its AWESOME!!! It comes out this friday, and the physical CD will be shipped and get to you before christmas :) – 12th December 2008
GoodBye iPhone, Hello Nokia N97
Well I think this might be the iPhone KILLER, in fact im going to hold off on the iPhone till this puppy reaches the shores next year. Meet the Nokia N97.
“The N97 packs a 3.5-inch, 640 x 360 pixel (that’s a 16:9 aspect ratio) resistive touchscreen display with tactile feedback and QWERTY keyboard into this sliding communicator with an "always open" window to favorite internet or social networking sites. Nokia calls it the "world’s most advanced mobile computer." To back up the claim they’ve dropped in HSDPA, WiFi, and Bluetooth radios, A-GPS, a 3.5-mm headjack, 32GB of onboard memory with microSD expansion (for up to 48GB total capacity), and a battery capable of up to 1.5 days of continuous audio playback or 4.5-hours video. 5 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss glass and "DVD quality" video capture at 30fps, too.”