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Has Your Alexa Rank Gone Down Or Dissppeared?

So my rank was doing fine at 4 million with a steady flow of traffic of about 50 hits. Al of a sudden one of my posts got more traffic and i averaged 150 a day. All of a sudden my Alexa rank disappears and my rank was no longer available. Some sites suggeset they had change there Algorithm every now and then which calulates how much traffic sites get.

Some Random Info about What and how Alexa works:

  • How does Alexa work? A site’s ranking is based on a combined measure of reach and pageviews. Reach is determined by the number of unique Alexa users who visit a site on a given day. Pageviews are the total number of Alexa user URL requests for a site. However, multiple requests for the same URL on the same day by the same user are counted as a single pageview. The site with the highest combination of users and pageviews is ranked #1.
  • My new site doesn’t have a rank, how long does it take? You will have to be patient and give it 3 months to give you an accurate rating. The longer your site has been monitored by Alexa the better, it gives more of an accurate level of reporting.

 Mean while to help get your your Alexa rank back up in action i suggest you do the following:

  • Submit your site to Alexa and your details so it can update the thumbnail and start indexing your site. Goto the following url and change the ending to your domain:
  • Download the Alexa Toolbar – This will help increase your rank and get it moving again. If you blogging post about it and get readers to download the toolbar as well.
  • Place a Alexa Rank Wiget on your site – This helps Alexa keep a check on how many people are visiting your site and will boost your rank.

How To Block Myspace On PC & Mac – A Parents Guide To Restrict Access

After seeing many myspace privacy issues on TV and two youtube video’s (one here & one below" showing teens what can happen when you post stuff on myspace I decided, maybe some parents need a guide on how to block myspace (even adults aren’t safe using myspace, see this newspaper article). Alternatively you should talk to your children, know what there doing on the net, walk past now and then and look at the windows they have open and ask "what is that…"



Blackle – Save Energy When Google Surfing!

Did you know a white background on a lcd screen uses more power than a black background?

This search engine has the answer to saving the world from greenhouse gases. If everyone used Google with a black background we would save so much power its not funny!

 Visit this site and use it as your search engine. Click ‘about us’ at the bottom of that page to find out more about the site.


What Is Web 2.0? Whats All The Fuss About??

You may of heard of the phrase Web 2.0 and thought "what the?" Well this post will explain all about what it means when someone refers to web 2.0



Digg Now Supports A Blog/Website Widgets now supports widgets on popular blogs and websites. The Widget can be "super customised" to show the popular stories from all categories or even specific categories, and diggs by a  certain user. I’m using mine to show my digged topics on my blog. Check it out by viewing it on the right below the blogroll. How could I imrpove it?


iTunes First Buying Experience

Ok, so the new yellowcard album came out about a week ago now. I had been waiting for ages since there last album was kind of rubbish. I couldn’t get near the shops so i bought it and downloaded it on itunes. It was a fairly positive experience, they now offer 256kbs quality tracks DRM FREE! The album is ausome you much better than last time and you should have a listen on their myspace to see if you like it. A review of the album will be posted tomorrow.