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How To Widen MailChimp Body and Sidebar Newsletter

MailChimp: “MailChimp helps you design email newsletters, share them on social networks, integrate with services you already use, and track your results. It’s like your own personal publishing platform.”

Mail chimp templates seem to have a real problem with the width, and sometimes they are so skinny your emails that you send out can look stupid and ridiculous!

There is a easy fix to force it to widen, click on the edit button of the body or sidebar, then click source, and add the following code to the bottom of the page.

<img height="1" src="space.gif" width="500" />

Change the width to whatever you want and click save. Problem solved!


Best & Top Android Apps 2010 that will make you dribble


I’m now a android lover after switching from a iPhone 3gs to a Samsung galaxy S 6 months ago.

My current apps look something like this.
75 total, 68 free (90%), 7 paid (9%) | Total Size: 138MB
Total spent: $14.99

You can view the list of my installed apps here.

Here i will note some must have apps for your droid and a few other cool apps as well. Im not going to write an essay about each of them, just list them and hopefully you can download them and see how good they are for yourself.

Top 10 Apps

  1. Handcent SMS. – The best sms application ever.
  2. SMS2PC – Probably the most used app. If your in front of your computer alot, this makes your phone like a chat client, however you can reply to people via sms from a chat screen on your computer. Well worth the $4
  3. Launcher Pro – This is the fastest and best launcher available.
  4. Switch pro Widget – The widget is best for your homescreen. Currently mine displays battery %, wireless toggle, blutooth toggle, vibrate/silent/loud toggle, a flashlight, 3g toggle, and a shutdown and restart button.
  5. Bible – Best bible app with heaps of offline version such as ESV for viewing straight from your phone.
  6. Isyncr – This app enables you to sync itunes to your android phone just like a iphone. You can also sync over wifi without a cord!
  7. Poweramp – An awesome music player, has a 30day demo but costs a big $5 for this one.
  8. Gtasks – If you use google tasks, this is a great widget that keeps your tasks in sync
  9. Pure Calendar Widget – If you use your calendar alot this is a must. So customisable and can be a widget you wont know what to do with yourself.
  10. Skype – Voip over your mobile. brilliant!

Top Games

  1. Paper Toss
  2. Angry Birds
  3. Unblock me
  4. Robodefense
  5. The Moron Test

Other Cool Apps

  1. Go Sydney – Train & bus times
  2. Shazam – Listens to a piece of music and will tell you the artist and song.
  3. Sydney Traffic Cameras
  4. Zedge ringtones and wallpapers – Heaps and heaps of ringtones and wallpapers for your phone
  5. Ringdroid – Crops songs on your phone and sets them as your ringtone
  6. Vlingo – Tell your phone what to do. Only works if you have a internet connection
  7. Schedule Sms Wishes – Ever wanted to remind yourself via a sms or remind someone else? This can schedule sms messages to your contacts.
  8. SMS Backup – Backup your sms and save it in a excel spread sheet for safe keeping.
  9. Google Chrome to phone – Ever wanted to get a webpage you were looking at on your computer to your phone? With this app you just click a button and it launches on your phone

What is your favourite apps? Please share in the comments.


How to get more storage on DropBox for free!

DropBox – Dropbox allows you to sync your files online and across your computers automatically. Dropbox automatically syncs when new files or changes are detected.
Imagine finishing a pricelist excel document, saving it to your computer, then your out at the shops and a customer rings you. You can look up the spreadsheet on your phone and retrieve it. Alternatively you could be at the airport, open up your laptop (providing its connected to the internet), the spreadsheet appears in your documents as its synced and away you go!
Dropbox has 2GB of online storage for free, with up to 100GB available to paying customers. For more info on dropbox check out these 8 top tips here!

Sign up to drop box!

Here is some tips on increasing that free 2gb storage.

Referrals – EDU email addresses get double referral credit!

Whenever someone signs up with Dropbox through a link you sent them, Dropbox will credit both you and the new user 250 MB of free storage. Fair enough. But that would mean 4 referrals for every 1 GB. Quite a task.

In hopes of annihilating its competition, Dropbox recently announced that anybody with a .EDU email address, namely college students, can earn double the referral credit, or 500 MB. Life’s pretty sweet sometimes when you’re a college student. Now, you would need only 2 referrals for every 1 GB of free storage.

Share dropbox on social media sites

Click here and share the links on fb and twitter and get another 768mb for a few clicks!


Early Mornings. eg. 4am

So im currently sitting on the train, now 5.09am despite the title. But i woke up this morning at 3.50am. Why? I have no idea, im a crazzyyyyy person.

oi nup!

I’m not really. Im taking my girlfriend on a hot date. At the moment she has no idea where we are going, and shes reading over my shoulder, so later in the day ill change the destinations below. *Edit: Now updated*

First time i think I’ve ever waken up this early, and its actually not to bad! Sure i need a few coffees, but I’m wide awake and blogging! ha. For a 4.48am gosford train, its quite full, there is also alot of crazy people like myself that must be going on hot dates as well ;) – Except the two guys in front, bald and in council uniform don’t look like their hitting the –insert place here- anytime soon.

Also I’ve just noticed this guy snoring like he’s pretending to be 80 years old, but he’s actually only about 28.

So back to my 4am story. Its our 3 month anniversary, well,  now its actually 3 months 4 days* :) So i thought i’d skip uni and do something fun on my days off work for once and travel to Sydney. Yeaaaa i know, of all places, what was i thinking, the coast is way better ;)

First destination:

  • Pancakes On The Rocks
  • pancakes on the rocks IMG_0029 IMG_0030
  • So this place took ages to find, we were literally walking around for 20 minutes trying to find it as i thought it was on the water side, but its actually a street back, I’ve made a mark on google maps exactly so its a bit more clear if you take a visit for yourself :)
    Taking ages to find it wasnt a downside at the time, 6.45am and the sunrise was amazing over the Opera house and the Harbour Bridge.
    This place was very quiet, only one couple when we got in, and a group of girls by the time we left and the place seated about 100-200 people.
    Pancakes were awesome as you can see in the picture and i was very full after eating a serving which all cost around $10-14

Second destination:

  • Walking around the Harbour and taking photos :D
  • We also took a ferry cos we cool like that bro
  • IMG_0020 IMG_0024 IMG_0257 IMG_0390

Third destination:

  • -USYD (University of Sydney for the uneducated)
  • IMG_0408
  • While Brie went to her Tute, Andy & I did some walkup and had some really good conversations. After all our adventures we were dead tired and actually feel asleep on the train.

HOME. woooo.


10 Reasons Why You Should Stop Looking At Porn

The other day I was thinking about how I could help a mate get rid of his addiction to porn, so I thought I’d write him a letter, highlight some key issues and hopefully give him some good grounding on why he should rid it from his life. I’d love to know if you’ve found it helpful.

The images you choose to expose your mind to burn themselves into your brain. Your mind persistently clings to them, they won’t go away. At least for me, they still come up years later and I can envision them from time to time. By God’s grace you can learn to shut them down quickly, but its still a big battle that I’d rather not deal with.

Porn is an addiction. The more you watch, the more you want to see. You become obsessed. Its a sin, plain and simple, and it will control you. It’s also a waste of time! Imagine those seconds, minutes, possibly hours that you have wasted being addicted to this stuff.

It will undeniably affect your future relationships. This one is obvious. You need to recognise how disgusting most girls will find the concept, because most won’t be able to relate to the allure of porn. It can become a real issue, because she will likely feel horrified that you’re sexually contemplating other girls on the side.

If you get engaged and you’re still stuck in porn, how hard will that make life for you! Imagine how hard it would be to confess that to your wife, and how sad and betrayed she would feel. Practice the self-control that you’ll need for the rest of your life… starting now.

When you are married, your wife will have to compete with the images you have in your head. What if she never matches up to it? If she has to realise that you’ve watched something she can not compete with, that is sickening in itself.

Porn wrecks the fun of having fun when you’re married. If you’ve watched videos, I’m guessing they will come up when you get married and are getting it on. You might even suggest trying things – not telling her you got the idea from porn. That’s secretive and dishonest, and not as fun or pure as if you had been learning together and enjoyed marriage for what it is. You could also become a one minute man.

It feels so good once you’re out of it. I haven’t seen porn for 2 or 3 years now! I may have come across an image or two by accident, but I closed them as quick as I could. It feels amazing that I can do this by God grace and the change in my heart. My relationships with people and God improved drastically!

You are a disciple of Christ, but as a part of the body, you also disciple other people. There will be people who respect and follow you, who they learn from you and take on your actions as being an image of Christ. Even if most people don’t know much about this particular sin in your life, by getting rid of it, you’re setting an example. If you can’t master your own body, how can you teach other people to control their desires?

If you don’t stop looking at porn, you kinda feel guilty inside. You know its bad, I know its bad, we all do! You won’t get the wrath of friends telling you to get out of it and you’ll feel better all round! It’s a win-win situation.

Porn is a spiritual and mental poison. Its an addictive sin that will damage your relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus said that if you even lust upon a woman, it’s committing adultery – Matthew 5:28. Even though we consider ourselves virgins, Christ says that we’re not pure and holy but corrupted and depraved. It DOESN’T glorify God, it grieves him. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” says Jesus (John 14:15). Do you love Jesus? Then stop slapping him in the face by blatantly disobeying him!

“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.” (1 Peter 1:14-19)

If you have any comments or questions, i’d love to hear, contact me.




A Quick Rant About Car Crashes And The Mess They Leave

//Start Rant

So on my way to youth, i got blocked at the end of my street because some one obviously didnt notice the large STOP sign and went pounding through the intersection and snagged another car on its way through. 2 Fire engines and some cops later, i am waiting 15 mins for them to sort the LPG cyclinder in the guys boot so it doesnt explode and kill everyone in sight.

Anyway…. on my way home, i was reminded of the mess that car crashes leave, glass and plastic all over the road! Why isn’t there some law that forces the crasher/crashee to clean up his mess after his little bingle, and save everyone from getting glass stuck in their tyres and the neighbour hood looking a mess.

Mayb i should write to my new prime minister and propose this new law?

//End Rant.