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A Collation Of The Best WordPress Themes 2010

I thought i’d share a list of sites that link and list to many wonderful wordpress themes, helpful for me, and possibly you!

In no particular order:


Automatically Shutdown Computer At Certain scheduled time

This tutorial will shutdown your computer at a certain time even if users are logged on or off and will check to make sure they aren’t still using it before it shutdowns.

  1. Create a .BAT File by opening up notepad and when you save as, select all files then name it shutdown.bat.untitled
  2. Put the following text in the file “c:/shutdown.exe –s” and save it. When this .bat file is run it triggers the shutdown.exe file under windows and  your computer will shutdown.screenshot
  3. Now to schedule it, open up Scheduled Tasks under control panel or task scheduler which it is known under vista/windows 7
  4. Add scheduled task, select the .bat file you have just made (i stored it in C drive), perform this task daily, start time 6PM, enter the administrator credentials and finish.
  5. Now double click the task and go to the settings tab. Under Idle Time, "only start this task if the computer has been idle for at least 30 minutes" and i also ticked the next box so it continues to check up until 12pm until the computer is idle.

In my Workplace i did this on 5 computers, because the others have remote users, i worked out it saves $100 per computer/per year totalling a $500 saving per year.


Other Notes:

  • You can also include various maintenance routines in this .bat file when it shutdowns. For example, mine cleans all temp files and runs a defrag on the local drive. To Implement this, install Crap Cleaner on the computer and add the following code to your .bat file.

“C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO

defrag c: /f

c:/shutdown.exe –s”


Happy Birthday Andrew Hayes

My best mate had his birthday on the weekend and his 21st party is this weekend.


He’s a legend and i cant express it as much in words as past photos can so here’s a scrap book of them. EDIT: Upon finding photos i have hardly any old ones! I could only find ones taken in past year Sad smile


I’m doing a speech for his birthday and i think ill post it here once its written so check back later Winking smile




Cream of pumpkin soup

This pumpkin soup recipe beats mums hands down! Definitely one to give whirl… Its really cheap to make as well, about $3 a serving.


Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 6 dinner bread rolls
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tsp ground coriander
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg IMG_0025
  • 1kg peeled pumpkin, diced. (NOTE: Be careful in under buying. eg. I bought 1.5KG and only got 900g of pumpkin out of it because of seeds etc.)
  • 1 large sweet potato, peeled, diced
  • 1L chicken or vegetable stock
  • 1/2 cup (125ml) thin cream


  1. Heat oil in a large saucepan over low heat, add onion until softened but not coloured. Add pumpkin, potato, stock and spices and bring to the boil (10 minutes or so). Turn heat to low, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Allow to cool slightly, then blend in batches.IMG_0027NOTE: I didn’t blend because I don’t have a blender, but cooked it a bit longer (40 minutes) and mashed it.


  2. Return soup to pan if you used blender, stir in cream and heat up again.
  3. Enjoy!

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Free Music Round Up

Another Great site for finding free music is NOISETRADE!

Last but not least, easily find new free albums available online by using this search page here.



WordPress Roundup and some cool new plugins.

So wordpress is nearly at version 3 which should be released in the next month or so.

I have found some really cool plugins lately which ill list below:

  • Facebook “like” plugin – This plugin puts a like button at top and bottom of posts and interacts direct with facebook.
  • Google Buzz Comment Importing Plugin – This plugin is very cool. Recently i have had google buzz import my blog posts and ive had a few comments on it, but it doesnt show on my blog. This plugin fills the gap and imports all google buzz comments onto the blog. See it in action on this post here.
  • Lifestream – Shows all your social website accounts on the right just like my blog does on the homepage.